I grew up in Minnesota where I attended St. Olaf College to earn my B.A. in both Math and Economics in 2018. In 2020 I got married to my wife, Sam and we adopted Maple, our dog.
Since I can remember, I have found helping others learn and achieve their goals to be among the most satisfying endeavors. As such, I spent many of my summers through college as a wakeboarding and waterskiing instructor and my most enjoyable winters as a high school cross country ski coach.
After undergrad, I moved to the pacific northwest to pursue a PhD in Economics at the University of Oregon, largely because of the amount of teaching experience I could gain as a graduate student. While there, I served as an instructor of record for six classes teaching Intermediate Microeconomics, Intro to and Intermediate Game Theory, and Environmental Economics.
I graduated with my PhD in the spring of 2023 and now am a visiting assistant professor at Williams College. Most of my research is focused around the evolution of individual and population behavior using game theory. In particular, I study how different environments and interventions affect the trajectory of strategic decisions.
As someone who learned to program by making games to play on my calculator in middle school, I am now using those skills to create innovative experiments in my research and more engaging and accessible. Consequently, I heavily utilize tools like Shiny (R) and oTree (Python) which help me create interactive online content.